Monday, 30 March 2015

2 SCARY! Meet The Woman With The Most Facial Piercings With 9000 Rings On Her Face [LOOK]

Elaine Davidson was born in Brazil and
now lives in the UK.
She holds Guinness World Record for the
most pierced
woman in the world.

A trained nurse, who no longer practices,
Davidson got
married in 2011 in Edinburg, Scotland,
where she lives and
runs an aromatherapy shop. She does not
drink or use drugs.
Her husband, Douglas Watson has no
visible piercings.
According to her Wikipedia page.
When examined by a Guinness World
Record official in May
2000, Davidson had 462 piercings, with
192 in her face
alone. By August 9, 2001 when she was
re-examined she was
found to have 720 piercings.
[1]Performing at the Edinburgh
Festival in 2005, the Guardian reported
that she now had
3,950 body piercings.
[2]She has more piercings in her
genitalia than in any other part of the
body – 500 in all,
externally and internally.
[3]The total weight of her internal
piercings is estimated tobe about 3
[4]As of May
2008, Davidson’s piercings total 5,920.
[5]As of Feb. 2009
herpiercings total 6,005.
[6]In March 2010, Davidson
reported a total of 6,725 piercings. As of
March 2012, she has
over 9,000.


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